Saturday, May 2, 2009

Political Correctness - How It's Used To Counter Critics Of Third World Immigration Into The USA

In the early 1960's, the radical left (mostly Jews) set out to destroy the Western world as it then stood (i.e., White Christian dominated nations). In particular, the United States was their #1 target (Note: the left's agenda actually goes back 100+ years but the 1960's mark the beginning of their efforts in the modern era). Obviously the left had no military means to accomplish such a task. Instead they set out to destroy the West though demographic warfare - i.e., replacing Whites with non-Whites via massive 3rd world immigration. The left knew Whites would complain and even revolt over this onslaught from the 3rd world. To temper such predictable White revolt, the left employed the "political correctness" doctrine. The purpose of political correctness is twofold:
1 - Prevent Whites from complaining by intimidating them through shame and guilt (i.e., "White guilt"). The left would embark on a campaign which would constantly remind Whites of their past injustices (e.g., slavery, Native Americans, etc). For defiant Whites who still complained about non-White immigrants, the left would browbeat them with name-calling such as, "racist", "bigot", and "Nazi." Such name-calling would effectively humiliate most defiant Whites into silence. It would also act as a warning to Whites in general as to what they can expect if they dare criticize non-White immigrants (legal or illegal).
2 - The other end of political correctness deals with propaganda and indoctrination. Whites are told that masses of non-White immigrants are actually a good thing. As the media tells us, non-White, non-Western immigrants "enhance the human experience in the United States" and, "bring new ideas to our American culture" (Time Magazine, Feb. 1998). This is the doctrine of multiculturalism and we are lectured repeatedly on how glorious it is. American cities that are multicultural are touted as "cosmopolitan" and "sophisticated" whereas cities that are primarily White are portrayed as "backwards." As with any well-orchestrated propaganda campaign, multiculturalism has its own lexicon. Expressions such as "celebrate diversity" & "diversity is our strength" are designed not only to reduce White resistance to multiculturalism but to flip White thinking entirely i.e., towards embracing multiculturalism. Essentially then, such leftist propaganda is a method to trick Whites into embracing the very thing (i.e., multiculturalism) which will obviously lead to their demise in the West.
In summary, political correctness, as applied to third world immigration, is a leftist scheme (mostly Jewish driven) intended to counter Whites who object to massive non-White immigration (legal or illegal). Whites are falsely conditioned to believe that multiculturalism is a good thing and those Whites whom object are shamed into silence.